Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Patoka Lake

We took a mini-vacation to Patoka Lake in Southern Indiana. We rented this cabin in the woods, which was not directly on the lake. The lake was a couple of miles away. Luckily it had air condintioning or else we would've been completely miserable since it was super hot and humid the whole time we were there. On one of the days we drove up to French Lick and took a ride on the historic train, which just happened to go right by Larry Bird's boyhood home (the tan house in the picture above).

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Nashville, TN

Keith and I left Rylie for the first time Saturday night and went to Nashville, TN for the IRL race. Before the race, we went to the Country Music Hall of Fame and ate at some whole in wall restaraunt called "Jacks." Rylie spent that night with Grandma and Grandpa Watt. She did amazingly well. Grandma took her to lunch and shopping that afternoon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cereal Time!!

Rylie has reached the point to where we've been able to add cereal to her diet. We're so greatful that she loves it. Her table manners still need a little work though. She gets it all over the place.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Rylie and Aunt Kristy

Aunt Kristy came to see Rylie over the 4th of July of weekend. She even watched Rylie one day while Mom and Dad went to work. Luckily, Rylie was on her best behavior that day. Unfortunately, both Kristy and Keith got sick on Saturday, which meant that Cheryl and Rylie got to spend the evening together watching chic flicks.