Saturday, August 23, 2008

6 Months Old!!

Rylie had her 6 month pictures taken today. She did very well. I wasn't so sure she was going to because she was throwing such a hissy fit when I was trying to get her ready to go. It's hard to believe that she going to be 6 months old on Tuesday. It has gone by so fast.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sitting Up

Rylie is all most to the point of sitting up on her own. When you let go, she usually leans one way or the other and topples over. It's so cute.

Rolling Over

Rylie loves to roll over onto her tummy. Unfortunately, she doesn't like to stay on her tummy for very long. After just a couple of minutes, she starts getting fussy and her face turns all red and before you know it, she's screaming and got tears running down her face.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mmmmm, sweet potatoes!!!

Rylie has started eating foods. She's done way better than we expected. Luckily, she takes after her Uncle Eric (and not after her Mom & Dad) and eats everything we give to her. She hasn't turned her nose up at anything as of yet, even though she does seem to prefer the orange veggies over the green ones.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Grandpa Dunchak

Grandpa Dunchak and Terry came to visit Rylie over the weekend. We took everyone downtown to see the new stadium and to grab some lunch. Since it ended up being such a nice day we decided to go back downtown later that evening to catch an Indians baseball game. For those of you who don't know, the Indianapolis Indians are the minor league team for the Pittsburgh Pirates MLB team. Alan and Terry were even lucky enough to get on the big screen during the game.