Saturday, November 29, 2008

Grandpa Dunchak's Surprise Party

We celebrated Keith's Dad's 60th birthday while we were in Youngstown over Thanksgiving. Terry put together a surprise party for him. Guests included his parents (Andy & Mary), his sister Loraine and her family (Tim, Catie & Aaron), Keith, myself & Rylie, along with Kristy, Jilian and Ryan. Rylie even helped Grandpa blow out the candles.

Visiting with Family

On Saturday, Rylie's Great Aunt Cindy and Great Aunt Sandy came over to see her and bring her gifts. Saturday night was also Grandpa's surprise 60th birthday party. Between visitors Rylie would roll around on the floor and end up playing underneath the coffee table.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas on Thanksgiving

We went to Keith's Dads over the Thanksgiving Holiday. Since we won't all be able to get together over Christmas, we decided to have Christmas on Thanksgiving. Rylie wasn't sure exactly what she was supposed to do, but it was still fun watching her open her gifts (with a little help of course).

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Family Holiday Portrait Time

We had our Holiday family pictures today. Once again, Rylie was an angel and performed very well. She didn't cry at all. She's definitely making it on Santa's "Nice" list this year.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hail Jesus & It's Cold Out

Rylie loves to hold her hands up while she sleeps. We call her our own little Jesus. It's finally cold out and we make Rylie wear a hat. She looks so cute in her pink bunny hat.