Thursday, December 25, 2008

Rylie's First Christmas

Rylie's first Christmas was a very memorable one. Grandma and Grandpa Watt spent Christmas Eve with us and helped Rylie open her first gifts on Christmas day. She did not know what was going on and was not sure what do with the wrapping paper, but she got really excited once she saw what the present was when it was unwrapped. She did her usual gasp for air.
Another Christmas treat was Cheryl's brother Eric and his girlfriend Jill made the trip up from Virginia to visit the family and meet his niece for the very first time. It took Rylie a couple of minutes to figure out what the heck was on Uncle Eric's face. She pulled at his beard a couple of times.
As you can see, Dad was more than thrilled with his gift from his Aunt Lorraine. A wonderful terrible towel.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Rylie's first ever Christmas present from Santa arrived a little early. She has been all smiles and giggles with the arrival of her new friend. Macy also seems excited, to an extent, and has shown sparks of energy that she has not shown in months since the passing of big dog.
Dakota is a "Goldendoodle". Her mom is a white poodle and her dad is a golden retriever. The dad's coat had a tint of red in it which appears to be the main color of Dakota's coat. We decided to go with this breed due to the fact that they have the retrievers laid back mild temperment and are great with kids, and have the poodles very little to no shedding coat.
We drove almost 3 hours to pick her up. She was born October 15th just south of South Bend, IN. We named her Dakota because it felt like we drove all the way to the Dakotas to pick her up. Her first night at home was really good. She only had a couple of accidents and pretty much slept through the night with very little crying. Hopefully, it is a sign of good things to come.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rylie's First Visit with Santa Claus

Tonight was Rylie's first visit with Mr. Claus. She did really well at first and then got a little weary of the jolly white bearded fellow. However, I believe she let Santa know what she wanted for Christmas without saying a word...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

1st Annual Arickx Family Christmas Bash!

Jeremy and Lisa hosted a party for the little ones to celebrate the holidays. It was
a lot of fun!!! There were several activities just for the kids. We decorated Christmas trees, iced sugar cookies and had a gift exchange in which only the kids exchanged gifts. Kids in attendance were Rylie (9 months), Eric and Kari's kids, Emma Kate (age 2) and Max (4 months) and Jeremy & Lisa's little boy, Aiden (16 months). Everyone hopes to make this an annual event for years to come...