Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

We celebrated Rylie's first birthday today. We had to have the party a couple days after her actual birthday because Dad was in Chicago for work; not to mention that in order to have our family and friends over, it needed to be on the weekend. Rylie got all kinds of great gifts. She got earrings from Mom and Dad, clothes from the Thiekes, and toys from Uncle Eric and Jill as well as the Arickx's and the Townsend's. Grandma and Grandpa Watt topped it all of with a wagon since they had heard how much she enjoyed the one on the day of her surgery. (Dad also secretly bought her a wagon, so now she has two, but one will probably go back). She also has several gift cards to spend from friends and family that couldn't make it to her party.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ear Surgery Update

Rylie had tubes put in her ears yesterday morning. She did very well and appears to be a happy baby again. She even slept through the night last night, which we hope will be become a common occurrence now that all that yucky junk has been removed from behind her ear drums. The actual procedure took all of about 15 minutes. I think we spent more time waiting to go in than anything. Luckily, they had a wagon that we could pull Rylie around in to keep her busy and keep her from crying (since it was such a hit, I think Mom and Dad are definitely going to invest in one for her this Spring when the weather gets nice).

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Life of Rylie...

Rylie is learning to drink out of a big girl cup (coming along very slowly :)) and likes to help mom with laundry eventhough she extends the time for mom to complete the chore. She is also taking a liking to the furry critter known as Elmo...