Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mutt Strut

Every year the Humaine Society of Indianapolis raises money by hosting the Mutt Strut at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. This was our second time participating. While it benefitted a great cause, it was complete chaos for the Dunchaks. Rylie was great once she was in the wagon. While we were still at home getting ready to go, that was a different story. Macy wasn't too bad, but she'd been subjected to it before. Dakota was scared out of her mind, not to mention she hasn't had a lot leash time. Next year will be done a little differently. Most likely Rylie will be spending the day with Grandma & Grandpa while Mom & Dad take the dogs to the track.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Playing with my castle & slide...

Mom and Dad exchanged one of the wagons that I got for my birthday for a cool little castle that has a rock climbing wall and a blue slide. I love to stand up in the castle tower and pretend that I am a princess. I am not sure about the slide just yet. I have slid down it a couple of times and it scared me a bit, but I am slowly figuring it out...Thanks mom and dad!