Monday, November 30, 2009

Helping Mom decorate the Christmas tree...

Rylie was a big help this year when it came to decorating the tree. She even likes to try and redecorate it when we get home in the evenings.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Playing cards and working in the office...all in a days work

Rylie loves to go places that she knows she doesn't belong.

Taking a little cat nap...

Someone must have been very tired after gymnastics for her to take a nap during one of her favorite elmo flicks...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Gymnastics...The next Bridgett Sloan in the making :)

Indianapolis AP- Today marked the first day of training for the 2024 Olympic Games in a city to be determined at a later date...a much later date :) Rylie had a blast just running all over the gym doing whatever she felt she wanted to do. It is basically 45 minutes of chaos with mom and dad getting worn out by the time the dust settles. We are hoping she enjoys it and continues to build on her very rusty skills over the years to come...they are a lot of fun to watch.