Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday!!!

For Rylie's 3rd bithday, The Dunchaks along with the Arickxs went to see Sesame Street Live. Rylie and Aiden had a great time at the show. After the show, we all came back to the house for a little party and the Townsends also joined us. The kids had a blast playing together. On Sunday, Grandma & Grandpa Watt came up for the afternoon and Rylie got to try out her new bike. She loves it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice Storm

It's been a fun couple of, not really. The first wave came through Monday night laying down about a quarter inch of ice. The second wave came with 3-4 inches of sleet which then turned over to rain and froze everthing solid. Now, it's actually snowing with wind gusts up to 40 mph and the temperature has dropped into the 20s and is still falling. Luckily, we have not lost power and had food in the pantry. Since we're stuck at home, the girls are able to stay in their warm snuggly jammies all day.