Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome Brooklyn Marie!!!

Today we welcomed Ms. Brooklyn Marie into our family. We were blessed with a healthy little girl. Brooklyn was born at 10:05am and weighed 8lbs 3oz. She is 20 1/4 inches long. She had a wonderful first day. She loved her first, not really. :) She pretty much slept all day long and fussed here and there. She also sucessfully latched on to Mom and was able to feed several times throughout the day...Mom is doing very well. Dad is super proud. Little Rylie also met her sister for the first time...she acted like a big sister too. She wanted to hold the baby almost right from first meeting her. It is going to take her some time to adjust to her sister, but I am sure they will form a tight bond...


Kristy said...

I am excited to meet you Brooklyn!

Now I have 2 niece's to spoil!!!!

Lisa said...

She is so adorable. I love the picture of Rylie on your lap looking at you while holding Brooklyn. Way cute!