Saturday, May 14, 2011

Opening Day at the Speedway!!!

Next year's concept car for raod racing
Next year's concept car for ovals

Ok, I updated to the new editor on our blog page and I can't figure out how it works very well.  So our pictures may be in a weird format for a while.  If I try to arrange the pictures, it puts them wherever it wants.  Some go to the left, some go to the right and some go to the center.  And, when I try to put them side-by-side, it moves the picture to the bottom.  I do like the caption feature though.  The rest not so much, so bear with us while we try to get things figured out.

Today was opening day at the speedway.  And, they managed to get about 3 hours of practice in before the infamous May rainy weather set it.  The girls had fun, even though I think it was a little loud for them at times.  I think that has do with the shortened schedule and the prediction of rain for the next several days.  Normally, there might only be a couple of cars out a one time, but it was pretty much busy the whole time with 8 - 10 cars out at a time.  As you can see, Rylie got to sit in a real race car, an old one (something even Dad has never done and would love to do).

Just chilling!!

It's too loud!!

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